After hair transplantation, there are important considerations that should be considered after transplantation, just as in the hair transplantation process. Proper hair care, attention to nutrition and other factors will make your hair healthier and maintain its natural appearance.
Immediately after the hair transplant operation, you must protect your hair roots and be careful of certain situations to undergo a healthy healing process. For the results of hair transplantation to be the desired, it is important that the patient fully complies with the recommendations after the operation.
- Avoid playing with your hair so that the hair follicles are not shaken as a result of hair transplantation.
- Immediately after hair transplantation, choose a shirt instead of wearing clothes such as sweaters and t-shirts.
- Strive to avoid sweating, extremely humid, hot and cold environments to speed up the healing process of your hair roots and ensure that they are not damaged.
- If recommended by your doctor, be sure to use your dressings and medications without disrupting them.
The first 3 days after the operation
It is recommended not to wash your hair for the first three days. Avoid the sun, as sunlight can damage the hair follicles, if it is necessary to go out in the sun, you should use a wide and comfortable hat. Tea, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol should not be consumed for the first three days, as they will directly affect the healing process.
The first 15 days after the operation
It is recommended to avoid extremely cold and hot environments and water. You need to stay as far away from the sun and rain as possible.
You can wash your hair using shampoos or soaps that are antibacterial and recommended by your doctor. Regular use of the solution and tonics recommended by your doctor after hair transplantation is very important for the success of the operation.
It is recommended that you do not use hair care products that you do not know or use regularly without your doctor’s opinion. Devices such as hair dryers and blow dryers should not be used for several months after hair transplantation. During the first 15 days, it is recommended to avoid movements that will shake your scalp and treat your hair gently.
Hair transplantation operations must be performed by a professional team to give the desired result. Because the hair roots in the human body are very sensitive, everything from the devices to be used to the experience of the team affects the success of the operation.
Another factor affecting the results of hair transplantation is the condition of hair follicles. If the hair follicles are not strong enough, the desired result may not be obtained from the procedures to be performed. To prevent such conditions and eliminate possible problems, consultation should be done before each hair transplant procedure.
After hair transplantation, people must do the right care, pay attention to their nutrition and avoid stress. If you are careful, especially in the month after the hair transplant, you can get the exact results of the hair transplant you want.
After hair transplantation, you may need to change your lifestyle.
Giving up products, such as alcohol and cigarettes that directly affect your hair, will make the operation more effective.
As a result of hair transplantation, there are certain points that you should pay attention to in your diet to get healthy hair and get the natural look that you dream of. For your hair health, there are foods that you are recommended to add to your diet after surgery.
- Vitamins B
- Zinc
- Iron
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
Vitamins B
Vitamins B7 and B12 are important for hair health. For fast healing of your hair, you can consume foods that contain these vitamins. Chicken, red meat, avocado, bananas, nuts and eggs are foods rich in vitamin B.
The main cause of hair loss is caused by zinc deficiency. After the hair transplant operation, consuming foods containing zinc will make your hair healthier. Red meat, chickpeas, fish, spinach and eggs are foods rich in zinc.
It is recommended to consume foods containing iron after hair transplantation operations due to healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss. Offal, such as spinach, beans, and veal livers contain iron.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E makes hair brighter and healthier. It is also effective in healing wounds on the body. In this way, it can speed up the healing process of your hair roots. It can be applied externally with various tonics, as well as vitamin E can be taken with olive oil, spinach, almonds and avocado.
Vitamin A
With Vitamin A, which you can get from foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, cabbage, veal liver and pumpkin, you can strengthen your hair and speed up the healing process.
After hair transplantation, you must care for your hair correctly. Following the recommendations given by the doctor, using the recommended tonic and care materials will ensure that your hair is healthy.
For the results of hair transplantation to be as you expect, you must protect your hair from impact, pulling and friction until the roots are fully integrated. Adjusting your pillow accordingly while you sleep will make your work easier.
Although you should be more attentive and careful in the first months after hair transplantation surgery, it will be enough to do your routine care in the future. If you follow your doctor’s recommendations after the operation, you can get healthy and natural hair.
How Do The Scars Disappear After Hair Transplantation?
As a result of hair transplantation, some scars, acne-like rashes may occur due to the opening of the canal during the operation. Such scars are considered natural due to the operation and disappear within a short time.
Depending on your body structure and the area where the operation is performed, all traces will disappear in an average of 10 days. If you do the right care and pay attention to your diet, the healing process occurs much faster.
The results of hair transplantation are seen as desired with almost close probability, as long as this operation is performed by an experienced team. Thanks to the technological tools used today and new hair transplantation methods, more than 95% success rate is achieved.
Of course, as with all other operations in hair transplantation, exact results may not always be obtained. The condition of the hair follicles of the people, genetic factors, methods used and similar factors will determine the success rate of the operation.
Reduce stress
One of the most important factors that cause hair loss is considered stress. After hair transplantation, it is recommended that you go to many changes in your lifestyle and stay as far away from stress as possible.
Stay away from prepared and unhealthy foods
To maintain the health of your hair, you should be careful to eat a balanced and regular diet, avoid prepared and unhealthy foods.
Try to quit alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco products
Alcohol and tobacco products directly affect the hair follicles. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid such products after hair transplantation operation.
Play sports
Exercise will speed up your metabolism and allow you to have a healthier body. After hair transplant surgery, it is recommended to obtain a more active lifestyle.
Keep your head and hair away from bumps
Do not use accessories such as hats and beanie to tighten your hair. Avoid the sun and rainwater as much as possible. You should be careful to stay away from the sun, especially when you are recovering.
Do not shower in extremely hot and cold water.
You should avoid extreme heat and cold until your hair follicles are fully adapted. Paying attention to this will speed up your healing process.
Hair transplantation procedure is a complete process which starts from the consultation stage and ends with the after care. After the completion of hair transplantation, a good care of hair is a must to achieve desired results.
An experienced clinic like Lale Hair Transplantation Clinic always offer post-operation consultation to take care of your hair as it must be. When the operation made by experienced surgeons and proper high-tech methods, post-op care is also an easy process.
After hair transplantation, you need to be careful about a few months to protect newly planted hair follicles and avoid any unnecessary damage to hair growth. We listed how you should take care of your hair after transplantation!
1- Follow the Suggestions That Made by Operator
First, you need to follow every single suggestion that has been made by surgeon or operation team. Post-op care is a very important part for healthy recovery and achieving desired results.
Even the methods for hair transplantation can be same, every single operation could result different. Because of this, first of all, you must follow the orders of the doctor and your surgical team.
2- Avoid Contact as Much as Possible
You need to protect newly planted area of your head. You must avoid any unnecessary contact to achieve fast healing. You need to avoid touching the transplantation area. It may be itchy, but you must resist it as much as possible.
Also, you may want to wear clothes like shirts instead of t-shirts to avoid any contact while wearing. If you must wear t-shirts or sweater, be cautious and try to wear it slowly.
3- Do Not Ignore Medications or Care Routine
In some situations, you may need to use some medicines, multivitamin tablets or some care routine with special shampoos or conditioners that you need to apply to your hair. These are the important parts of healing progress and you must follow the orders from your doctor.
4- Be Careful About Sun Exposure and Rain
After the hair transplantation, you must be careful about sun exposure and rain. You need to cover your healing areas with an umbrella for a few weeks from the direct exposure to sun and rain. Also, you need to avoid extreme heat or cold temperatures for the faster healing process.
Your doctor will explain how you need to protect yourself from these kinds of exposures. You must follow the precautions and avoid any unnecessary risks.
5- Washing is An Important Issue
Your hair follicles may badly affect by water. After the procedure, you must follow the orders from your doctor while washing your hair. Generally, you must avoid any contact with water for a few days after the surgery.
Also, you must stop any high intensity activity like heavy lifting and fitness for a month. Along with these, you need to stop going into a sauna or steam room for a month too. This kind of activities widens the veins and slows healing progress, even they may cause loss of newly transplanted hair and sabotage the surgery.